Reserved area to partners of projects promoted by Mentortec.
Development and implementation of innovative practices, tools and methodologies for the establishment of STEM studio classrooms for primary schools.
Reserved area to partners of the project.
- Professor: Luisa Cruz
- Professor: Andreia Monteiro
- Professor: Marisa Rodrigues
Training of VET professionals endowing them of competences and supporting materials for the development of soft skills of young trainees, fostering their autonomy and self-management of their learning process.
Reserved area to partners of the project.
- Professor: Andrea Anzanello
- Professor: Valentina Chanina
- Professor: Luís Costa
- Professor: Luisa Cruz
- Professor: Elisabetta Delle Donne
- Professor: CECE Departamento Europa
- Professor: Antonio Giordano
- Professor: Leif Haar
- Professor: Blickpunkt Identität
- Professor: Federico Innocenti
- Professor: Kepa Larrondo
- Professor: Hugo Martins
- Professor: Anabel Menica
- Professor: Andreia Monteiro
- Professor: Marisa Rodrigues
- Professor: Ricardo Rossi
- Professor: Rita Sousa
- Professor: Stela Stancheva